But this again comes from the fact that general practitioners, psychiatrists, medical specialists get almost no nutrition training through all those years of study.
Well, the median salary for a general practitioner is $175,000 a year, but the average cost of medical school at a public university is around $200,000.
To steer patients away from hospitals, general practitioners have been encouraged to find their 1%—those patients likely to die in the next year—and start talking about end-of-life care.
" I never understood what common sense meant applied to complicated problems--unless it means that a general practitioner can perform a better operation than a specialist" .
Well, the first thing you have to do is find a family doctor --- sometimes we call them general practitioners as well --- and register with him or her.
This was an innovation for one who had chosen to adopt the style of general practitioner in a country town, and would be felt as offensive criticism by his professional brethren.